Diego Navarro is specialized in Litigation and arbitration. He joined the firm in September 2019. Previously, he has developed his professional career at ALTALEX, Legal and Tax Advisors at his headquarters in Barcelona (2003 to 2007), where he became Head of the Litigation and Real Estate Department, as Director of Legal Services at the Garasa Group (2007-2012) and as a partner in Concurrentia Legal (2012-2019).
He specializes in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law, Restructurings and Insolvencies.
His professional activity focuses on the legal direction of procedures of the real estate sector, construction and commercial, corporate and trade disputes, as well as the conduct of insolvency proceedings from different fields, such as insolvency administrator, insolvency lawyer and creditors lawyers. It provides recurring advice to different companies in diverse sectors at national and international level.
He is a non-director Secretary of different companies, so he has a deep knowledge of the company, its needs and risks, performing prevention actions to problems before they arise.
He is Professor counselor in the C.A. to the U.N.E.D. in Baza, speaker in courses and seminars at different Universities and assistant to numerous courses and Congresses.
He is a member of the Barcelona Bar Association.
Associate of the Spanish Association of Insolvency Law (AEDIN).
Arbitrator of the Arbitration Tribunal of Barcelona.
Academic Background
Degree in Law from the University of Granada (2002).
Master’s Degree in Business Law from the University of Navarra (2003).
Specialization Course in Bankruptcy Law taught by the Illustrious Bar Association of Granada (2010).
Official Master in European Constitutional Law with quality mention by the University of Granada (2011).
PHD (2017) with the mention “Cum Laude” for his Thesis on Bankruptcy Law “Recognition of Litigation and Conditional Credits”.
Author of book chapters or doctrinal articles among which we can highlight the following:
– “The remuneration of the administrator and the partners agreement” in “CORPORATE LAW. Reviewing the law of capital companies” (Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2018. ISBN13:9788491697596), 1.135-1.160.
– “Refinancing agreements and the waiver of dividends a disproportionate sacrifice?” in “Corporate Law. Questions about Corporate Bodies”, (Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2018. ISBN13: 9788413131436), pp. 433-450.
– “Some exceptions and exclusions to the shareholder’s preferred subscription right” in “Corporate Law. The rights of the shareholder” (Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2020. ISBN:9788413367781), 767-785.
Communications accepted at Congresses:
– “Right of separation and bankrupcy: the position of the shareholder in situations of insolvency” in “IV Congress Law of Companies, Malaga, 2020.
He has regularly published articles of a legal nature, highlighting the following:
– “Civil status and conditional claims in the creditor contest” (Monographic Article. March 2015 (SP/DOCT/18951) SEPIN Legal Editorial); March 2015 (SP/DOCT/18951) SEPIN Legal Editorial);
– “Commentary on the Supreme Court Judgment of 8 April 2016 on Financial Interest Rate Swaps (SWAP)” (Commented Rulings. May 2016 (SP/SENT/849718) SEPIN Legal Publisher;
– “Credits for costs and attorney and solicitor fees in the creditors procedure” (November 2017 (Commented Rulings. SP/SENT/911789 and SP/SENT/911832. Id Edition: 42119). Legal Department of Sepín Mercantil).
Spanish and English